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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Photography Tool

As you have seen from my blogs, I am an amateur photographer. I have 2 point and shoot digital cameras and a Nikon SLR digital.

I have always taken many photos of a scene with different settings with the hope one or 2 would be worth printing. Now with digital digital cameras and the larger memory cards you have the ability of taken many photos and then can view them on a computer and choose which you want to keep and delete.

Looking around the net for photo software I found a very unique program, it is called Image Comparer. This software will review all your photos in a gallery or folder and then display a proof sheet with all photos that have close similarity to the others. This is easy if you just take a few photos, but what if you take hundreds. At times I set my camera to take action photos and hold the shutter release to take a long continuous stream of photos. Then I have to manually compare each to find the one or ones I like best. This program makes the reviewing so much easier. With the duplicate image finder you just browse to the folder and a few clicks later you see all the duplicates or similar photos.

With this program, I will now feel free to shot at my hearts content. Give it a try and I think you will agree with me it is a great tool.


Anonymous said...

From: Ralph M - Vancouver BC

Congradation on your purchase of your house. It time to just enjoy you live now. I am thinking of going to Baguio for about 5 months this Oct or Nov, mybe I will take a sidetrip to Davo. Bye for now..

Anonymous said...

Hello! Just stumbled upon your blog. Looking forward to reading more about your move to Davao.

Bruce said...

thanks for the comment and good wishes. I hope you will make a side trip here to visit us.

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