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Friday, July 4, 2008

We are Finally Getting Married

It has been a long wait but this Wednesday, July 9th, Elena and I are getting married.

The delays were many. First I needed to go to the US Embassy in Manila to get an affidavit of a Capacity of Marriage. That is to say that the United States Government says I am free and clear to get married.
Then Elena needed to get papers and copies of birth certificate from the National Statistic Office (NSO)

In the middle of getting all the documents, Elena had her operation and needed time to recover.

Then we needed to go to City Hall and file for our Marriage License. Once there they requested more copies of everything. Plus we needed to fill out 2 copies of the form for the license. Then we had to do it again since it has to be easily readable and no corrections.

After we filled out the forms we had to meet with the Attorney of the department.

Once filed and paid we had to wait 10 days. After the wait we had to get the packet and approved license.

Since we just want a civil ceremony Elena went to the Courthouse to register with the Clerk of the Court. They in turn gave here a date and time to meet with a Judge for the marriage to be Solemnized.

Since we have made so many friends and acquaintances we decided to just have an open house party then rent a hall or a room in a restaurant. We will have the party on Sunday the 13th.

We invited all the Expats we know and friends of Elena and I invited all from the Architectural Firm I am involved with.

In about a week or so you we see the photos and maybe video of the wedding festivities.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bruce - I'm one of your readers. Advance Happy wedding day!

Macphisto said...

another reader her just wanting to congatulate you.

you skipped a lot of headaches going civil. we had a church wedding in davao & i found myself complaining to anyone within an earshot about the paperwork.

best of luck to you & the mrs.

Anonymous said...

hi bruce!
Lalaine here.I'm an avid reader
of your articles....and the nicest
of them all is about the wedding.
best wishes to you and Elena!
pls write more for us your fans.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, bruce & elena! it's nice to see that in your short time you have made so many friends. i think that makes your upcoming wedding all the more special!

Bruce said...

Thank you all for the good wishes. I hope you all continue to read and comment on my articles. I will post more about the Wedding and Reception Party with photos.

Garryck said...

Hi Bruce and Elena!
Congratulations to both of you on your marriage, and best wishes for your future happiness. I'm looking forward to the day Marielle and I can follow suit... 'course, there's the 'small' matter of her anullment to sort out first! hehe


Anonymous said...

I've just started reading your articles and I love it. In fact, I've put a comment in one of your February articles. Congratulations too to both of you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bruce!

How was the wedding? Hope all went well!