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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to All

Well, I am in the Philippines but being an American it is the Thanksgiving Holiday today.

For Americans it is a wonderful holiday to get together with friends and family. Because of this, Thanksgiving is the most traveled holiday in America.

It is a day of thanks. Whether you’re American of from any other country or culture, we all have something’s in our life to be thankful for. It might be a family member who raised you, a friend that stood by you in times of difficulty. It could be a teacher or mentor who helped you find your strengths. It could be a boss that recognized your talents and helped you advance to your chosen profession. It could also be a stranger that somehow touched your life.

For me I have many. I have my mother who took care of me as a child and helped me constantly through my life.
There was Mrs. Marilyn Martin who was my high school drafting teacher who stood up for me during difficulties and showed me the talents I had in drafting. Never knowing it would end up being my profession.

My cousin Larry who treated me as a brother and understood my personality and how I was different then what my family thought I would be.

There are many more, to many to mention but I have to acknowledge my new life.
I am so very thankful for my wife Elena. Elena takes such good care of me, even when she is not feeling well. She loves me so much and completely and makes me feel King of the house.
Also my nieces Merliza, Mona and Riza, my nephews Amar and Peter and their girlfriends Janis and Cecil. They all have accepted me more than an Uncle but more like a father. The girls help Elena take care of the house and me while still taking a heavy course load in Nursing school. Amar and Peter are grown and working but they never forget us and promised to give any support needed when needed.

I am also thankful for all the friends I have made here in the Philippines, both foreign and Filipino. One friend Louis, who is American, loves to cook and with his help we are getting together with some other friends for a Thanksgiving Dinner. I wish I could have invited more friends but the house is small and you need to stop somewhere.

So to all, here and abroad, have a


Anonymous said...

I just got the turkey thawed out so we can cook it on thanksgiving. I hope you and yours have a wonderfull holiday. We are glad the price of gas has gone down. I just paid 1.79 a gallon today at Costco. Today we bought fresh raspberrys and cranberry sauce for our dinner.

Anonymous said...

Ps. Mercy is a work so I sent this message to both of you. My wife works a a hospital as a unit clerk.I had the last three days off so it is nice. We have been foggy here all day--cold also. I also forgot to tell you my relatives in philippines are in leyte.

rick bowden said...

Hi Bruce

Enjoy your thanksgiving, all looks fun and am sure you and Louis will celebrate in style, nice words as well Bruce, all the very best

Bruce said...

Don and Mercy,
Thanks for the reading and comments. If you get a gmail id and account, you can log in so I know it is you. Also you can email me at
I would like to know more about you 2.
Happy Thanksgiving

Bruce said...

Thanks, and I have been enjoying reading your endevor to blogspot. Love the photos of your house. Hope to see it sometime. Regards to all there.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated thanksgiving. That picture of the turkey looks sooo good.

Bruce said...

Good to hear from you again. As soon as I have time, I will write about the thanksgiving dinner we had here.
Take care.