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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Field of Dreams

One of the Expat organizations I belong to, Davao Area Expat Assoc. had a trip to visit

Childhope Field of Dreams Children’s Home in Biao, Guianga, Tugbok District of Davao City a week ago.

The Field of Dreams Foundation is a registered charity here in the Philippines founded by Lawrence Field. They have 30 boys there from the ages of 3 to 16 years old. The boys are either abandoned or orphaned. You can read more about the foundation at

In a country with so much over population and poverty it is nice seeing someone trying to make a difference in a child’s life

Some of the problems they face are with the economy in England and throughout the world the foundation is having trouble getting donations and also I have emailed them there is no vehicle on their site to accept donations. I hope these will change and I will post any updates.

The Association has decided to help this organization from the donations at each meeting. Besides this since we were also told that the children only get a sweet treat once a month, so we all brought sodas, cakes candies and other treats.

About 15-20 of us drove out there and were warmly greeted by the Staff and the children. In the Philippines there is a sign of respect where a child will take your right hand and touch it to their forehead. This is mostly used for immediate family. Well all 30 children came to each of us and showed that respect.

All the children were well cared for and dressed well. Some spoke English and some only Basaya. As always with children, most were shy with so many strange faces but warmed up to us as the day progressed. The staff were warm, friendly and grateful for us coming.

The facility is made of well constructed masonry structure. There are 5 dorm rooms with 3 double beds, storage closets, vanity with 2 sinks and a toilet and shower room each. There is also a Living room, kitchen and room for the staff. There is a basketball court and a garden for rising vegetables and they also raise pigs, goats and chickens.

One staff there is a Home Manager, Social Worker, 7 House Parents, a cook and 3 house helpers.

From there we walked into the courtyard where tables and chairs were set up. We were then presented with a show of dancing. About 2 weeks before our visit there was a group of American Hip-Hop dances that had a workshop at one of the malls. Some of the older boys were in the workshop. It was amazing that in just 2 days of training and 2 weeks to practice, these boys were doing amazing dance moves.

After the speeches and dance presentations all the children were seated and we given a huge treat. I expect there were a few tummy aches that night, but I did see even the smallest kids packing up some of their candies and putting them away to save for another time. I also expect the day will be remembered by the children and us for a long time.

After that there was another presentation and all our wives/girlfriends joined in. After it was getting late so we loaded up in our cars and headed back. In the car we talked about how wonderful the day was and hope we can help them find a way to continue the great work they are doing.

The following is my first video. I appologize of the quality but I am sure you will enjoy the children and their dancing. Since it was too big, it is split into 2 videos.


Anonymous said...

hey bruce!
so happy to see this article.
and we thank you for the nice
things you have said about
our center.
hope you can visit us again.
long live!

Anonymous said...

this is a pretty wonderful thing you are involved with, bruce! only goes to show all your efforts to really integrate in your adoptive city. have fun!